Sunday Service 9:45 AM | Wednesday Virtual Bible Study 6:30 PM  
Wednesday Virtual Prayer Service 6:00 PM | Saturday Prayer 9:00 AM | Saturday Church School 10:00 AM



The Youth Progressive Department (YPD), led by the Women's Missionary Society, offers valuable training programs and leadership opportunities to youth in various aspects of church life. Through evangelism, Christian social relations, and education programs, the YPD aims to strengthen the connection between youth and the church's mission while deepening their knowledge of African Methodist Episcopal Church history and scriptures.

YPD Pledge:

I wholeheartedly commit to supporting the Young People's and Children's Division in their efforts to assist those in need, regardless of race, color, or creed. I pledge to follow the teachings of the Bible, contribute to my church, and actively participate in meetings, seeking guidance from our Savior in all endeavors.

Our Purpose:

- Provide comprehensive resources, training, and guidance to encourage active involvement in the mission programs and activities of the entire church and our organization.

- Deliver specialized training in evangelism, Christian social relations, and education programs, fostering a deeper understanding of African Methodist Episcopal Church history and scriptures.

- Facilitate and support leadership experiences within the church and society.

- Promote stewardship growth

within the church.

- Advocate for the rights and dignity of all children and youth in religious, civic, and political contexts.

- Establish effective schedules, create collaborations, and develop work synergies to successfully implement and administer meaningful programs and activities across all levels and units of the organization.

- Cultivate a sense of community where children, youth, and young adults know each other, provide support, and work together to serve and bear witness for Jesus Christ.

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